Hawaiʻi Children’s Action Network Speaks! (HCAN Speaks!) is a nonpartisan 501(c)4 nonprofit. Our movement is fighting to ensure all keiki are healthy, safe, and ready to learn. HCAN Speaks! gives you the tools you need to make informed voting decisions, hold leaders accountable, and change systems and policies.
Mission: To ensure Hawaiʻi’s keiki have a bright future by building a powerful movement of families.
Vision: Well-funded, family-focused public policies and programs that prioritize keiki and give them the resources to learn, grow, and thrive in Hawaiʻi.
Board of Directors
Liza Ryan Gill |
Nick Kacprowski, J.D. |
Mandy Fernandes
Teri Keliipuleole |
Jasmine Slovak |
Erica Yamauchi |