Hawaiʻi’s keiki need our help to thrive. Nearly 1 in 2 households struggle to afford basic needs. Our kids’ well-being ranks only 24th in the nation.
This fourth annual Hawaiʻi Children’s Policy Agenda was convened by Hawaiʻi Children’s Action Network and reflects the input of 37 Community Champion members. These organizations, coalitions, and individuals are committed to improving the lives of our keiki by promoting public policy changes that benefit children’s health, safety, education, and economic security.
The Agenda contains 25 priorities for the 2020 Hawaiʻi State Legislative Session. These are the top priority issues of our Community Champion members. HCAN respects the diversity, expertise, perspectives, and priorities within this community of advocates and is honored to advance the work of our peers in children’s advocacy. HCAN supports all of the items in the Agenda. Each initiative lists a lead organization that serves as the primary point of contact for advocacy.
Take action to help our keiki!
- Find your legislators and download our free advocacy toolkit.
- Donate to support this grassroots movement.
- Become a Community Champion member.
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